By accepting membership in the OSYO, you agree to abide by the following guidelines, applicable to ALL OSYO activities:
- Musicians will treat each other and chaperones with respect at all times.
- Musicians will participate in all rehearsals, educational sessions and concerts. If a musician misses 3 or more rehearsals per term (including the concert dress rehearsal), participation in the upcoming concert is at the discretion of the Conductor.
- Musicians will not consume or possess illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages.
- Smoking is not permitted at any time.
- Musicians will abide by all safety regulations of any building or site that is used by OSYO and demonstrate an attitude of general cooperation with OSYO staff and volunteers on site. Musicians will clean up any mess they make.
- Theft and/or willful damage to property or equipment belonging to others is a serious offence. Parents will be held responsible for the cost of replacement/repairs.
- Musicians will observe established curfews on overnight trips and demonstrate respect for those wishing to sleep.
- In the interest of safety, musicians must sleep in assigned rooms – and stay inside thoserooms after curfew.
- Musicians are not permitted to leave the site of an OSYO activity before its conclusion without written permission of their parents and permission of the Orchestra Executive Director or designated chaperone.
I consent to my child’s photo/image/video being displayed publicly and online by OSYO (if musician is identified, it will be by first name only).
In the event of an accident or other event, I authorize the OSYO to secure such medical services as may be deemed necessary. I agree to hold harmless OSYO staff and volunteers. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me if medical attention is sought.